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Echoes of Eternity v1.2 - Alpha (2)

A new program currently undergoing development that includes topics such as Physics, Psychology,
Philosophy, Greek Heroes, and various quotations.

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Release Notes (4-20-06):

This version incorporates the following changes:

Added mousedown event to splash screen that allows user to close form when clicked.
Added preliminary XML code that stores article information and provides read/write capabilities.
Reformatted code and added copyright/comments to classes.

Added New form for psychology section, including load events, mouse events, CheckedListBox events, xml, etc.

Added psychology xml file (psy.xml) in \bin\xml directory, as well as blank xml files for other sections of the Echoes program.
Added custom images and license agreement to installation script.

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Echoes of Eternity v1.0.2 - Alpha (1)
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Release Notes:

This version incorporates the following changes (more to come soon):

Removed System.Threading for splash screen (10 second delay) and instead included a button that allows the user to close the quote window when finished reading.
Added Class "Quote" and implemented the random quote selection code.
Added 3 new quotes to be loaded randomly when the program is started.
Upgraded the project to Visual Studio 2005.

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The Echoes of Eternity program has been updated and is now available for dowload. Currently the XML file database has been implemented, and further revisions are in progress. Please feel free to leave any suggestions, ideas or comments about the latest file release.


I've recently started a discussion group at Yahoo! which may help speed up development and organization of the content related to this project. Check it out if you're interested: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/the_lesser_known/


Any other questions or comments: